830/1060/1310/1450/1550/1650nm波段SLED 激光器
- Product Description:
The Superluminescent Light Emitting Diode
Broadband Light Sources are designed with
a high performance SLED chip and the TEC
control units as well as optical isolator inside.
This light source is packaged by the l4-pin
butterfly or 8-pin butterfly, it provide the
stable output power with different level from
1mW to l0mW.
Fiberoptic communications system
Fiberoptic gyroscopes
Fiberoptic sensors
Fiberoptical coherence tomography
Fiberoptical test instruments
Biomedical imaging systems
λ of 830/980/1060,/1310/1450
Low Spectral ripple, Broad bandwidth
Industry-standard, 14-pin butterfly package
Built-in TEC and optical isolator
Low polarization sensitivity